Montag bis Freitag, jeweils von 08.00-13.00 Uhr.
Termine für 2025: 24./28. Februar 2025
Infos folgen.
IN Hamburg
2 days of Ashtanga Yoga, Pranayama and philosophie in Hamburg. The focus of this weekend will be the primary series and its benefits with regards to body, mind, and nervous system. Next to the Ashtanga yoga practice, we will look at the foundations and philosophie of our practice.
Atelierhaus 23, Am Veringhof 23b, 21107 Hamburg
In the mornings there will be a Pranayama session followed by a Mysore style class. On Saturday and Sunday afternoon, we will look at yoga philosophy and technical details of our practice.
Mini Workhsop
An diesem Vormittag lernt ihr die Grundlagen der Pranayama Atemarbeit kennen. Dazu gehören, die Bauch – und Brustkorbatmung, Kriyas (Reinigungstechniken) und die Pranayama Techniken. Außerdem werden wir das Pranayama in den Kontext der Yoga-Philosophie nach Patanjali einordnen. Einsteiger*innen und Pranayama Erfahrene sind herzlich willkommen.
Freitag: 10.00 – 11.00 Uhr
Weekend course for beginners.
What does yoga mean and how can I build up my independent Ashtanga yoga Mysore practice? In this course, you will be introduced to the basic principles of the traditional Ashtanga Yoga system. Additionally, you will learn breathing and concentration techniques. Beginners will learn the sun salutations as well as the overall framework of the Mysore practice, such as bandhas and dristhis. Those with little experience in yoga will learn how to bring more focus, stability and ease into their practice.
We will look at all the fundamental aspects of the Ashtanga practice, such as Tristhana: Breathing technique, a firm and light posture, and the drishtis. Of course, the yoga philosophy, specifically the 8 limbs of yoga should not be missing.
Saturday: 09.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
Sunday: 09.00 – 2.00 p.m.
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I am looking forward to your email and will get back to you as soon as possible.